Our first priority will always be our cows. We set our farm up in a way that would let the cows be cows, considering not only their health but also their happiness. We like to see cows with the sky above them and grass below them. Our goal is to offer high quality milk that you can feel good about buying! Please visit
to learn more about the standards we follow.


With the exception of milking time, and the occasional routine health check, our calves and cows are never tied up. They are free to go from pasture to shade, from food to shelter.
We do not separate our calves and cows the way other dairies do because we've seen the benefits this has on our animals. From the time they’re born, calves are offered an unlimited amount of (whole, raw) milk, dry hay, clean water, and plenty of room to run.
Cows and calves eat and drink as they please and rest where they like. In the winter their sheds are well bedded and kept dry. In the summer the cows chose to relax either in the shade or their barn/shed with fans/cool bedding. The cows enjoy a rotational grazing system during the growing season and in the winter, have unlimited access to a variety of high quality dry hay (stored grass). We milk in a New Zealand style swing parlor. Milking is a calm and peaceful time for the cows. We try to keep life relaxing for the cows and never deny them the simple joys mother nature has to offer!